Xchive Business Intelligence is a data mining / information technology company, specializing in software tools and custom development for Skilled Nursing Facilities in the long-term care industry. We help our customers work with the data they are already collecting to enable their staff to make better, more informed business decisions.
We created our products in direct response to our early client’s needs. We frequently heard stories describing the challenge of accessing and using the data stored in the various databases in their businesses. Getting simple cross-system reports was difficult, time consuming and a distraction from their day-to-day work. Some organizations attempted to develop systems in-house but found it to be costly and inefficient. Using our cloud-based products is cost efficient, and also affords your staff time to focus on their areas of expertise.
The Xchive team is made up of experienced professionals with 15 years in long term care, many years in developing custom applications, and 20+ years in software development.
Meet the team…

Aaron Rutledge has been supporting IT and BI initiatives for 25 years, with the last 15 years working with skilled nursing facility operators automating processes, mining & managing data and creating in-house decision support reporting solutions. Outside of his work life Aaron is actively involved in his community with a focus on both the arts and family counseling. Raising and traveling with his 4 children takes up the balance of his time.

Andy Burton’s career has focused on the business side of IT, with a start in the energy industry, providing software solutions to deregulated natural gas industries around the world. For the past 15 years Andy has owned and operated a marketing agency, with a focus on go-to-market strategies for small to mid-sized businesses. Andy is actively involved with regional agencies advocating for senior programming and support, transportation and economic development.

Chris’ programming journey began with Basic on an Apple IIc plus in the early 90s. He has, since, added web development, data management, and mobile app development to his skill set for a wide range of industries from healthcare to hotels to restaurants. When he’s not at a computer, he’s at the beach with his family or planning/taking his next trip…with his family.

Daemon has been programming for over 10 years and has spent the last few years designing web utilities, software, and automated systems tailored to operational and reporting needs within the healthcare industry. When not working, his time is often filled with studies to further his college education.

David’s IT career started 25 years ago as a business analyst in the financial industry. He developed an early interest in data and reporting, finding ways to improve efficiency and workflow. Later, in the telecom field, he worked in Napa Valley helping wineries integrate their systems and gain control of their data. Next, he led a team tasked with developing custom software solutions for a major healthcare provider, focused on asset & equipment planning & rollout for new hospital facilities. In his spare time David enjoys household projects and traveling in his RV with his family.

Hallie has been working in Data Analytics for 4 years. She loves helping people access their data and make meaningful use of it. When she’s not working Hallie enjoys running, playing TTRPGs, and occasionally brewing beer.

Matt has been working in payroll and time and attendance for nursing homes for the last 6 years, both designing features and helping to train customers to manage their labor more efficiently. When he’s not working he is probably playing basketball or at the beach.

Josh Knox’s career started with his curiosity as a teenager. Messing about with video game scripts and building PCs, he fell in love with the art of software or programming to build anything anyone could think of. In the past four years, he’s built web apps, dabbled in data analytics, dashboards, and tinkered with different languages just for fun. He loves figuring things out. For downtime, he’s either at the gym, working on content to share with others, or working on hobby projects with other developers he’s met around the world.

Aline is a recent college graduate who has been programming as a hobby for 4 years. She enjoys creating effective ways for people to utilize and navigate web-based applications. When she’s not working, Aline is usually crafting or writing.

Claire Mitchell is a recent college graduate who has been programming for the past few years. She enjoys analyzing data to find more efficient ways of doing things. When she’s not working, she enjoys studying, training, and competing in jiu jitsu.